The truth about the Martingale system

The Martingale system attracts a large number of casino players – and the steps to ruin by using this mountainous strategy are banal: at first, the burning desire to get rich – like found a foolproof scheme for earning, then – greed, the first gains, gambling, long series, lack of funds in the account, the ceiling bets, minus, again minus, again minus, a disastrous minus – this is the daily realities of the system Martingale. But why? One thing at a time – let’s try to understand a bit. As 200 years ago, the Martingale system, being invented by mathematicians, is very popular nowadays. There are great expectations for it. But whether wins with it are controllable is the question. The system is truly two-faced: on the one hand it offers a great prospect of making money, but on the other it is quite dangerous.

In any case, if you decide to try the scheme, you should first find a reliable casino with good reviews. You will have the opportunity to check all slots online casino and other popular casino sites here

Basic Martingale

The standard kind of system that most players use when betting on even odds: even/odd, red/black. The whole “trick” is to double the bet after losing, which sometimes results in a very long series. The bet is doubled until you win, after which you have to go back to the minimum amount and start over. The system is reliable because the opposite option will still fall out at some point, and it follows that it is quite possible to earn a lot of money with the system, some people claim.

Relying on the theory of probability, we can say with certainty that the opposite option will fall out, which is a fact. The question is when it will happen: at the very beginning, or after the 30th spin, when the amount of your bet will be enormous. What if you don’t have enough money? The system will come to a standstill and you’ll lose your whole pot. But there are plenty of different websites on the Internet that talk positively about the system, show casinos where you can use it, offer to watch free videos where they make money with the system, provide payout screenshots, etc.

As silly as it may sound, but this information is distributed under the control of the casinos listed to the scheme. Yes, casinos purposely lure gullible users to their sites, and do you know why? – So that you lose using this wildly “new” system! Usually such sites are caught in the advertising, contain a small number of pages, which are devoted directly to the scheme itself. 

What do you think might be the opinion of experienced casino players about the scheme, on which many have lost huge sums? It is a system that allows you to bring a small profit and then rarely, at the same time it is able to take all of your capital.

The scheme is the most popular and relevant for 200 years already. Even our grandfathers played the Martingale system. If it is so unreliable, then why do so many people prefer it? The system is the simplest, most accessible and scandalous, which gives it such a great relevance. Some players learned about it from other people, some “developed” it themselves, although there is almost nothing to invent there: a person with at least minimal knowledge of mathematics can “invent” the scheme on his own, assuming that he made the “discovery” first.

However, it is possible to use the Martingale scheme, but only in combination with other schemes, no more. In this case, it can be a really powerful weapon against the casino. In other situations, we advise to refrain from using it. If you want to try and find canadian online slots, we recommend you to visit this site